Kindergarten Parent Information
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Information for Pre-K1 and Pre-K2 Parents

Morning Drop Off

All Kindergarten children, arriving at school by car should be dropped off in the classroom. Pre-K2 children arriving at school by school bus will be accompanied to the Classroom by a Teacher.

Your child will be supervised by the Class Teacher from 8:30 am and until the children have arrived. Please do not drop your child off before 8:30 am as there is no supervision in the classroom before 8:30 am.

As parents, we understand how difficult it is for you to leave a crying child. Our Teachers are very sympathetic to the feelings of both parents and children. If you are worried about how your child is adjusting, you are welcome to wait in the Parent Lounge (Level 4 of Administration Block) and check later to see that your child is happily settled before you leave the school campus. You will then be able to have a more enjoyable day.

Please be assured that we will contact you, should your child be distressed.

Snack Time


We have one snack time for half-day session and two snack times for full day session.

Please arrange for your children to bring healthy snacks to eat such as fruits, vegetables, cheese and crackers, yogurt and juice.


We have two snack times each day.

Please arrange for your children to bring healthy snacks to eat such as fruits, vegetables, cheese and crackers, yogurt and juice.


Your child needs to have a water bottle at school each day. Please label this bottle with your child's name and class name.

Water is available to the children at all times. You may also send in juice for lunch and snack times.

Lunch Time

Pre-K1 children attending a full day session may bring a packed lunch from home or have lunch arranged through school lunch orders. Lunch is at 12:00pm.

Lunch for Pre-K2 children is at 11:25 am. Your child may either bring a packed lunch from home or have lunch arranged through school lunch orders.

To arrange for school lunch orders, lunch menus are sent home with your child prior to the beginning of each month. Please mark off the meals you wish to purchase and return the form to school.  One snack is included with school lunch orders. The school will charge the cost to your family account.


Your child will wear a school uniform every day. Please label each piece of clothing that your child wears or brings to school, including undergarments.

We also ask that you send a spare uniform to school in case your child needs to change clothes (PE uniform is preferred).

A hat MUST be worn at all outdoor play times. The school hat is specially designed to protect the children's face and neck from the sun. All uniform items, including hats, are available in the School Shop (Level 2 of Administration Block).

Yellow Velcro Bag

The supply pack includes a yellow velcro bag. This bag should be sent to school everyday with your child. Please label it with your child's name, class name, grade level and Teacher's name. This bag is used for sending home notices or completed work for you to see. The Blue Book also goes into this bag on a daily basis.

Rest Time

There is a quiet time everyday after lunch for Pre-K2 children and for Pre-K1 children attending a full day session. The children need to have a sleeping bag and a pillow during this time. These items can be purchased at the School Shop.

Blue Book

Your child has a Blue Book that comes home everyday in the velcro bag. It should be returned to school daily.

Please use this book for messages you need to send to the Class Teacher, as well as information about things happening at home which may affect your child's day at school.

Please initial all messages after you have read them.

Name Tags

A name tag is in the supply pack. The children should wear this name tag everyday for the first month of school.

Pre-K1 & Pre-K2 Kindergarten children should wear their name tags preferably everyday.


Your child will participate in activities such as PE, Library, ICT (Pre-K2 only), Music and Cooking on a regular basis.


Kindly notify the Kindergarten Office if your child will not be attending school.

It is important that you keep us informed as the teacher's busy schedule may not allow her the time to contact you other than after school hours.

Contact Number: 6738-0211 Ext 311.

Afternoon Pickup

Pre-K1 children should be picked up from the classroom.

Pre-K2 children:

If your child takes the school bus home, he/she will be accompanied to the B1 Bus Bay by a Teacher.

If you are picking your child up, please wait at B2 Car Park Pick Up Point for Kindergarten students.

Please notify the school in writing if there are changes to the normal pickup routines.

Sign In / Sign Out

Please come by the Kindergarten Office to sign your child in or out if he/she is arriving late (after 9:15 am) or leaving early (before 3:15 pm).

Parent Volunteers

Once the children have settled into their class routines, the Teachers will organise a sign-up sheet for parent volunteers. We enjoy having parents help in the classroom and your support of our activities is greatly appreciated.

Parents are welcome to visit the Kindergarten at any time. To minimise disruption to the children, we would appreciate advance notice if you plan to visit the classroom during instructional times.

You may make an appointment to see the Teachers if you have questions or concerns about your child. The most convenient time for Teachers is after 3.45 pm. The Kindergarten Principal is also available to meet with parents at any time. You may arrange this by calling the Kindergarten Office to schedule an appointment or you may drop in at any time to see her in the Kindergarten Office (Level 2 of Junior Block).

The OFS Kindergarten Staff work together with you, the parents, for the mutual benefit of the children. We will do our utmost to provide a positive, nurturing and stimulating environment for your child, where his/her needs will be met.

The importance of two-way communication between home and school is very significant for young children and we welcome your ongoing feedback regarding the effectiveness of our program for your child.